Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

After SATs

You’ll never guess what happened today.

We were all just sitting reading our favourite book, Charlie and the chocolate factory, when Miss Campbell came into the class. She said that she had just had a special delivery of a letter for each of us. Someone thought that it might be from Roald Dahl but then Lola remembered that Roald Dahl is dead. We then thought it might be from Willy Wonka. We couldn’t wait to open them.






It was a letter from Mrs Niel, Mrs Masters and Miss Barker saying how proud they were of us and that we had finally finished our SATs.

“Wait, what have we been doing SATs like year 6” said Lola. We all cheered.

The letter said that we had to get our coats and shoes on because we were going on a treasure hunt in the woods.






We all rushed around to get ready. Everyone was very noisy. We all went into the woods and searched for the hidden treasure. Apparently there was 11 different things to find. We had no idea what they would make. Miss Barker blew the whistle when we’d found everything then we all went back to class to see what they would make.







Guess what, it was a mini muffin for everyone and lots of sweets to decorate them with. The were delicious.

then Mrs Niel said that tomorrow we were going to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the old one because Miss Barker is too scared to watch the new one, with popcorn and sweets. Yay !!!!