History Statement of Intent
At Hylton Castle Primary we celebrate and explore the rich history of our local area with our children. Our history curriculum utilises the resources within the immediate and wider school area enabling our children to develop a deep, contextual understanding of the abundant history of their own locality. Children progressively develop their skills as historians and can understand the importance of significant events, analyse sources and confidently form their own opinions.
Topics are informed by the National Curriculum, children’s interests and the history of the local area. This allows the children to develop a deep understanding and respect for history, building upon the skills and knowledge learned in previous year groups so children gain a coherent, chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past as well as their own identity.
History is taught in blocks throughout the year so our children are equipped with a chronologically secure understanding of history from the Stone Age to present day. Key skills and knowledge are identified to ensure a progressive approach to teaching our chosen History topics.
The rich history of our local area of Hylton Castle and Sunderland is utilised, giving extensive contextualised learning both inside and outside of the classroom. Working closely with various local projects, we ensure the children get a deeper understanding of the local area as well as exploring career aspirations linked to history.
All learners are given extensive opportunities to deepen their learning through well planned lessons and effective differentiation. The history curriculum begins in EYFS in their ‘Understanding of the World’ giving them a strong foundation of appreciation for people, communities, the world and technology.
Our topic based approach to learning throughout the school provides opportunities for in depth historical studies which encourages strong links to all subjects, particularly reading and writing.