Helping your child
Parents are invited into school for work shares periodically throughout the school year. This is good practice to involve the parents and for the parents to see how the curriculum is being taught. Parent evenings are held twice a year in January and October – a chance for parents to see their children’s work and to share information. If you have any concerns outside of these appointments, please make an appointment with the Class Teacher at a convenient time for yourself and the teacher.
Useful websites: – Hit the Button program for mental number skills practice – Times table practise.
White Rose Hub have a 1 minute Maths App that is great for basic number fluency. – for free KS1 & KS2 printable resources and games to support English and Maths skills – maths and English games & online practice tools – interactive tables games – covers a range of areas but particularly useful for SATs revision – Mainly Numeracy, Literacy and Science games, activities and information A range interactive games for Primary aged children.
Other suggestions
- Hear child read (out loud) daily to develop reading fluency.
- Use ‘Hit the button’ and ‘TTRS’ programs to help increase their speed of recall of mental number facts & tables
- Support with weekly learning of spellings.
- Encourage children to complete their homework and hand it in on time.