Our Curriculum
Our whole school curriculum covers all of the objectives of the National Curriculum. This is closely linked to our assessment systems (Assessment Without Levels).
At the beginning of each year staff are required to make the curriculum bespoke to their class. This is initially influenced by children’s interests, whole school priorities for improvement, the result of data analysis and the outcomes of general monitoring. Thereafter, the curriculum is adapted as a result of on-going assessments, monitoring and half termly data analysis. Interventions and support are put into place for individuals and groups of pupils. Groups may include those who receive the Pupil Premium, target pupils, underachieving pupils or those who need emotional / behavioural support.
We provide our pupils with a broad, rich and balanced curriculum, which promotes the spiritual, moral, mental, cultural and physical development of pupils. It is planned to enable to enable our pupils to gain a breadth of essential knowledge, understanding, meta-cognitive and social skills; thus enabling our pupils to be ready for the next stage of learning. SMSC and the teaching of British Values are woven and intertwined through the curriculum.
Our challenging and creative curriculum is designed to develop children as independent learners, to further develop their love for learning. Cross-curricular links are exploited to show pupils how skills and knowledge can continuously be transferred from subject to subject. Throughout the year visits, visitors and special events further enhance the curriculum.
We teach through a topic-based approach. Within each topic, each class usually chooses areas of focus that children are interested in and will fire their imagination and love of learning. On other occasions the teacher will approach the topic or theme from an angle that will develop the children’s skills in certain areas of learning. All topics are planned to cover age related expectations for each year group, based on the ‘new’ National Curriculum.
Coverage of age appropriate objectives and key assessment criteria are monitored closely by subject leaders and this helps to provide continuity, progress and personalised learning experiences for children as they move through the school. Teaching uses a variety of strategies including whole class, collaborative group work, pairs and individuals. We place a strong focus on developing children’s basic skills and on the development of those skills through a practical and an enquiry – based approach to learning. We also place a huge emphasis on the 5Rs: resilience, relationships, resourcefulness, reflective and risk-taking. The 5Rs help children develop values, skills, qualities and attitudes that will help them make their way successfully through secondary school and beyond.
We recognise that English, mathematics and science are fundamental to our pupils’ education. Where possible these core subjects are linked to the creative curriculum themes. However essential discrete skills and knowledge, at times, will need to be taught and learnt. More information on English, mathematics and science can be found on their individual pages.
Parent workshops, parent-pupil consultation evenings, productions, festivals, enterprise events, home-school reading books and homework are some ways that parents are encouraged to be involved in their pupils learning. Across the school homework, including spellings or phonics, is set weekly. Specific information can be found in each year group’s specific section of this website.
Long Term Curriculum Planning
The National Curriculum 2014 underpins all of our curriculum planning. Please follow the link below to see Curriculum Maps for each year group.
Each year we adjust our curriculum planning based on the strengths and areas for development as identified through monitoring, also through the analysis and evaluation of current data. Please follow the link at the bottom of page to access our current priorities.
Our Reading and Phonics Scheme is:
- Read Write Inc.
Our Maths teaching includes the White Rose Hub as a resource.
For more information about our curriculum please look at the School Prospectus that can be found in the ‘Our School’ section of the web-site.
Curriculum Information for each class / year group can be found on the class information pages of this website.