Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School



Hylton Castle Primary School takes bullying VERY seriously!

We are very proud that we have the PLATINUM level of the Anti-Bullying Charter Mark!

Mrs Hunter is our Anti-Bullying Lead and she works very closely with our Anti-Bullying Army.  Our Anti-Bullying Army is made up of children from Year 2 to Year 6!  We are very lucky to also have a governor as part of our Anti-Bullying Army.


The Anti-Bullying Army organise lots of special events throughout the year.   Whenever you see this Logo, you will know it is to do with Anti-Bullying.


Special events we have organised have included:

Odd Socks Day

Friendship Friday 

Spread Kindness Like Confetti Day.


Newsletters – Watch out for our next newsletter to keep up-to-date with what we have been up to and what we’re planning next.

Useful websites:







* https://www.nationalbullyinghelpline.co.uk/cyberbullying.html