Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

Music Tuition

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Music Tuition

Hylton Castle Primary School employees peripatetic music teachers for violins, guitars, keyboards, brass and drums.  Lessons are taught during the school day mainly.  The cost of the lessons are heavily subsidised by our Pupil Premium funding, the cost to parents per week is £2.00 per lesson which is paid at the beginning of each term (cost dependant upon the number of weeks in term).  Children are encouraged to practice with their instrument at home to enable them to aim to play in music ensembles and to enter Music exams during the year.

We have a subscription with Addanote – the platform is currently used by the school children in school when learning to play an instrument.  You can visit the site,  Addanote.  Children can practise their instruments at home by visiting the website: www.addanote.co.uk .  Login: music@hyltoncastle, password: addanote2011

There is also a school run choir led by Mrs Maddison which takes place during lunchtime (currently not running)

Parents who wish for their child to commence music lessons can make enquiries at the School office, we have a waiting list at present for drums and guitars but we have spaces for violins.
