Literacy Curriculum Statement of Intent
At Hylton Castle Primary School, we provide a literacy curriculum that encourages all children to achieve their dreams and goals as readers and writers. It is important for our children that we promote the development of language and the clear and accurate use of vocabulary in both spoken and written form, and we recognise the importance of language not only in literacy, but in all areas of life. We strive to engage all of our pupils in the writing process and want our children to use their imaginations and to view themselves as real authors who work through all stages of the writing process with enthusiasm. As independent writers we encourage our pupils to think about the audience, purpose, style and form of each piece of writing they produce, as well as making well thought out grammar choices. Our pupils take pride in their written work and enjoy being challenged to edit and improve their writing to ensure that their writing is always the best that it can be for both content and presentation. We support all pupils to become confident, fluent readers who show resilience when texts become more challenging. We value the importance of reading widely and for different purposes and encourage a love of reading. Most importantly, we strive to provide a literacy curriculum that enables all pupils to develop their literacy skills and one which prepares them for their chosen future careers.