Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School



Nursery/Reception – Bottle green sweatshirt, white polo shirt, grey or black skirt/pinafore/trousers.  A green gingham style summer dress can be worn in the summer months.

Year 1/Year 2 – Purple sweatshirt/cardigan, white polo shirt, grey or black skirt/pinafore/trousers.  A purple gingham style summer dress can be worn in the summer months.

Year 3/Year 4 – Red sweatshirt/cardigan, white polo shirt, grey or black skirt/pinafore/trousers.   A red gingham style summer dress can be worn in the summer months.

Year 5/6 – Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan, white polo shirt, grey or black skirt/pinafore/trousers.  A royal blue gingham style summer dress can be worn in the summer months.

Additional Items available to purchase by order form are woollen hats, backpacks, book bags, shoe bags, fleece jackets and waterproof jackets.

P.E. Uniform:  House colour P.E. T-Shirt and navy blue shorts (indoor). Navy jogging bottoms, navy top/jacket and house colour t-shirt (outdoor).

See Policies and Procedures for further information.

Our uniform provider is The School Outfit and Little Gems.  The School Outfit and Little Gems shop is in Sunderland Town Centre – 259a High Street West or they have a store in Washington -11 Brookwell Road, Crowther Industrial Estate.

You can also order online using the link below.  

Hylton Castle Primary School | The School Outfit & Little Gems