Parent Views About Our School
Can you help us make our school even better?
We are always looking to improve what we do in school. Most mornings I come out to meet the children as they come into school via the yard and this is a great way for parents to have a quick word with me. If it’s not something parents / carers want to talk about on the yard we can always pop inside and chat somewhere more private. Alternatively, parents / carers can make an appointment via the main school to speak with myself or another member of staff. We always try to get back to parents / carers within 24 hours. If you have an issue that you feel hasn’t been resolved then we have a Complaints Policy which you can access using the link below. We hope that times parents / carers want to make a formal complaint will be very limited, though, since we urge all parents / carers to talk through any issues or concerns with us – we’ll always try to resolve thing through discussion and through an ethos of mutual respect.
Parents’ views are very important to us and there is an official Ofsted website you can visit if you would like to express your views in this way (anonymously)