Year Two had a fantastic surprise today. As part of their pirate topic the children wrote to the author Jonny Duddle to tell him how much they had enjoyed his book The Pirates Next Door.
And guess what happened! They received a letter back.
Jonny said that he had left them a surprise to find but they would only get to see the treasure map when they had solved all the clues.
When they had solved all the clues they were given a treasure map to follow. It led them through the woods to find their hidden surprise.
Hey over here! We’ve found something. X marks the spot.

We can’t wait to get back to the classroom to see what Jonny Duddle has sent us !

Oh wow! Its a new Jonny Duddle book and there is one for each of us.
Wonder if we can keep the books?
We are so excited. Jonny Duddle just sent us an email.
He said that he had really enjoyed reading all of our letters and that the books are ours to keep!