PSHE Statement of Intent
At Hylton Castle Primary School our PSHE curriculum aims to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes pupils need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work. We believe our PSHE programme has an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils and enables children to manage life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities. We encourage children to ‘Dream, Believe and Achieve’ and trust our PSHE curriculum affords the children the skills and confidence to do this, alongside other opportunities and experiences. The teaching of SMSC and Fundamental British values is weaved into the full school day and curriculum and lived in Hylton Castle’s ethos and values system.
- In EYFS pupils have access to PSHE opportunities through direct teaching of skills and application in the continuous provision both indoors and outdoors– making relationships, managing feelings, key worker activities, circle time, story time etc
- Discrete lesson to deliver PSHE will take place weekly Y1-6 following the Jigsaw Scheme of work.
- Kidsafe trained staff to deliver work from Rec – Y6
- Work recorded in class books.
- We use Jigsaw 3-11 which offers a comprehensive Programme for Primary PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.
- With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw 3-11 properly equips schools to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole-school approach. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.
Our pupils will understand how to be part of a community, work with others, appreciate diversity and recognise and be proud of their own strengths. Know how to keep themselves safe in school, at home and in the wider community. Be given opportunities to work with others and engage in discussions acknowledging they each have a right to be listened to. They will be confident individuals who contribute to the wider society through their ability to recognise right from wrong and developing an awareness of positive and healthy relationships. They will show respect and tolerance for all faiths and backgrounds and know how to keep themselves safe in an ever-changing environment.
PSHE Skills Progression
Being Me in my World Development Matters/Jigsaw | Celebrating Differences Development Matters/Jigsaw | Dreams and Goals Development Matters/Jigsaw | Healthy Me Development Matters/Jigsaw | Relationships | Changing Me Development Matters/Jigsaw | |
Nursery | 30 – 50 months – (SC & SA) To select and use activities and resources with help.To welcome and value praise for what they have done.To enjoy the responsibility of carrying out small tasks.To be more outgoing towards unfamiliar people and more confident in new social situations. To be confident talking to other children when playing and communicate freely about own home and community. To show confidence in asking adults for help. 30 – 50 months – (MF&B) To be aware of own feelings and know that some actions and words can hurt others’ feelings.To begin to accept the needs of others and to take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others.To usually tolerate delay when needs are not immediately met, and understand wishes may not always be met. To usually adapt behaviour to different events, social situations and changes in routine. | 30 – 50 months – (P & C) To show interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them.To remember and talk about significant events in their own experiences. To recognise and describe special times or events for family or friends.To show interest in different occupations and ways of life. To know some of the things that make them unique and talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family. | 30 – 50 months (H & SC) To tell adults when hungry or tired, or when they want to rest or play.To gain more bowel and bladder control and can attend to toileting needs most of the time themselves.To usually manage washing and drying hands. To dress with help, e.g. puts arms into open-fronted coat or shirt when held up, pulls up own trousers, and pulls up zipper once it is fastened at the bottom. | 30 – 50 months –(MR) To play in a group, extending and elaborating play ideas, e.g. building up a role-play activity with other children.To initiate play, offering cues to peers to join them.To keep play going by responding to what others are saying or doing. To demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults. | ||
Reception | 40 – 60 months – (MF & B) To explain own knowledge and understanding, and ask appropriate questions of others. 40 – 60 months – (SC & SA) To be confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions. To describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities. ELG – (SC& SA) To be confident to try new activities and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help. ELG – (MF & B) To talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class and understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take changes of routine in their stride. | 40 – 60 months (H & SC) – To eat a healthy range of foodstuffs and understand a need for variety in food. To usually be dry and clean during the day.To show some understanding that good practices with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health.To show understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges, and consider and manage some risks. To practice some appropriate safety measures without direct supervision. ELG – (H &SC) To know the importance for good health of physical exercise and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. | 40 – 60 months – (MF & B) To take steps to resolve conflicts with other children, e.g. finding a compromise. 40 – 60 months (MR) To understand that own actions affect other people. For example, becomes upset or tries to comfort another child when they realise they have upset them.To be aware of the boundaries set and of behavioural expectations in the setting.To begin to be able to negotiate and solve problems without aggression, e.g. when someone has taken their toy. ELG (MR) To play cooperatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. They show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings and form positive relationships with adults and other children. We are all Different Build a special person – To realise that each and everyone of us is a unique and special person. Looking at ourselves – To understand and accept similarities and differences between people. Same and different – To appreciate the similarities and differences between boys and girls including the correct names of body parts. Exploring friendship – To recognise what a friend is and things that friends share. | |||
Year 1 | I can explain why my class is a happy and safe place to learn. I can give different examples where I or others make my class happy a nd safe. | I can tell you some ways that I am different and similar to other people in my class, and why this makes us all special. I can explain what bullying is and how being bullied might make somebody feel. | I can explain how I feel when I am successful and how this can be celebrated positively. I can say why my internal treasure chest is an important place to store positive feelings. | I can explain why I think my body is amazing and can identify a range of ways to keep it safe and healthy. I can give examples of when being healthy can help me feel happy. | I can explain why I have special relationships with some people and how these relationships help me feel safe and good about myself. I can also explain how my qualities help these relationships. I can give examples of behaviour in other people that I appreciate and behaviours that I don’t like. | I can compare how I am now to when I was a baby and explain some of the changes that will happen to me as I get older. I can use the correct names for penis, testicles, anus, vagina, vulva, and give reasons why they are private. I can explain why some changes I might experience might feel better than others. |
Year 2 | I can explain why my behaviour can impact on other people in my class. I can compare my own and my friends’ choices and can express why some choices are better than others. | I can explain that sometimes people get bullied because they are seen to be different; this might include people who do not conform to gender stereotypes. I can explain how it feels to have a friend and be a friend. I can also explain why it is OK to be different from my friends. | I can explain how I played my part in a group and the parts other people played to create an end product. I can explain how our skills complemented each other. I can explain how it felt to be part of a group and can identify a range of feelings about group work. | I can explain why foods and medicines can be good for my body comparing my ideas with less healthy/ unsafe choices. I can compare my own and my friends’ choices and can express how it feels to make healthy and safe choices. | I can explain why some things might make me feel uncomfortable in a relationship and compare this with relationships that make me feel safe and special. I can give examples of some different problem solving techniques and explain how I might use them in certain situations in my relationships. | I can use the correct terms to describe penis, testicles, anus, vagina, vulva and explain why they are private. I can explain why some types of touches feel OK and others don’t. I can tell you what I like and don’t like about being a boy/ girl and getting older, and recognise that other people might feel differently to me. |
Year 3 | I can explain how my behaviour can affect how others feel and behave. I can explain why it is important to have rules and how that helps me and others in my class learn. I can explain why it is important to feel valued. | I can describe different conflicts that might happen in family or friendship groups and how words can be used in hurtful or kind ways when conflicts happen. I can tell you how being involved with a conflict makes me feel and can offer strategies to help the situation. e.g. Solve It Together or asking for help | I can explain the different ways that help me learn and what I need to do to improve. I am confident and positive when I share my success with others. I can explain how these feelings can be stored in my internal treasure chest and why this is important. | I can identify things, people and places that I need to keep safe from, and can tell you some strategies for keeping myself safe and healthy including who to go to for help. I can express how being anxious/ scared and unwell feels. | I can explain how my life is influenced positively by people I know and also by people from other countries. I can explain why my choices might affect my family, friendships and people around the world who I don’t know. | I can explain how boys’ and girls’ bodies change on the inside/outside during the growing up process and can tell you why these changes are necessary so that their bodies can make babies when they grow up. I recognise how I feel about these changes happening to me and can suggest some ideas to cope with these feelings. |
Year 4 | I can explain why being listened to and listening to others is important in my school community. I can explain why being democratic is important and can help me and others feel valued. | I can tell you a time when my first impression of someone changed as I got to know them. I can also explain why bullying might be difficult to spot and what to do about it if I’m not sure. I can explain why it is good to accept myself and others for who we are. | I can plan and set new goals even after a disappointment. I can explain what it means to be resilient and to have a positive attitude. | I can recognise when people are putting me under pressure and can explain ways to resist this when I want to. I can identify feelings of anxiety and fear associated with peer pressure. | I can recognise how people are feeling when they miss a special person or animal. I can give ways that might help me manage my feelings when missing a special person or animal. | I can summarise the changes that happen to boys’ and girls’ bodies that prepare them for making a baby when they are older. I can explain some of the choices I might make in the future and some of the choices that I have no control over. I can offer some suggestions about how I might manage my feelings when changes happen. |
Year 5 | I can compare my life with other people in my country and explain why we have rules, rights and responsibilities to try and make the school and the wider community a fair place. I can explain how the actions of one person can affect another and can give examples of this from school and a wider community context. | I can explain the differences between direct and indirect types of bullying and can offer a range of strategies to help myself and others if we become involved (directly or indirectly) in a bullying situation. I can explain why racism and other forms of discrimination are unkind. I can express how I feel about discriminatory behaviour. | I can compare my hopes and dreams with those of young people from different cultures. I can reflect on the hopes and dreams of young people from another culture and explain how this makes me feel. | I can explain different roles that food and substances can play in people’s lives. I can also explain how people can develop eating problems (disorders) relating to body image pressures and how smoking and alcohol misuse is unhealthy. I can summarise different ways that I respect and value my body. | I can compare different types of friendships and the feelings associated with them. I can also explain how to stay safe when using technology to communicate with my friends, including how to stand up for myself, negotiate and to resist peer pressure. I can apply strategies to manage my feelings and the pressures I may face to use technology in ways that may be risky or cause harm to myself or others. | I can explain how boys and girls change during puberty and why looking after myself physically and emotionally is important. I can also summarise the process of conception. I can express how I feel about the changes that will happen to me during puberty. I accept these changes might happen at different times to my friends. |
Year 6 | I can explain how my choices can have an impact on people in my immediate community and globally. I can empathise with others in my community and globally and explain how this can influence the choices I make. | I can explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict or a cause for celebration. I can show empathy with people in situations where their difference is a source of conflict or a cause for celebration. | I can explain different ways to work with others to help make the world a better place. I can explain what motivates me to make the world a better place. | I can explain when substances including alcohol are being used anti-socially or being misused and the impact this can have on an individual and others. I can identify and apply skills to keep myself emotionally healthy and to manage stress and pressure. | I can identify when people may be experiencing feelings associated with loss and also recognise when people are trying to gain power or control. I can explain the feelings I might experience if I lose somebody special and when I need to stand up for myself and my friends in real or online situations. I can offer strategies to help me manage these feelings and situations. | I can describe how a baby develops from conception through the nine months of pregnancy, and how it is born. I recognise how I feel when I reflect on becoming a teenager and how I feel about the development and birth of a baby. |
PSHE Vocabulary Progression
Being Me in my World Development Matters/Jigsaw | Celebrating Differences Development Matters/Jigsaw | Dreams and Goals Development Matters/Jigsaw | Healthy Me Development Matters/Jigsaw | Relationships Development Matters/Jigsaw | Changing Me Development Matters/Jigsaw | |
Nursery | ||||||
Reception | ||||||
Year 1 | Safe, special, calm, belonging, rights, responsibilities, learning charter, rewards, proud, consequences, upset, disappointed, illustration | Similar, similarity, same as, different from, difference, bullying, bullying behaviour, deliberate, on purpose, unfair, included, bully, celebration, special, unique | Proud, success, achievement, goal, treasure, coins, learning, stepping stones, process, garden, dreams, working together, teamwork, achievement, celebrate, stretchy, challenge, feelings, obstacle, overcome, achieve, internal treasure chest, | Healthy, unhealthy, balanced, exercise, sleep, choices, clean, body parts, toiletry items e.g. toothbrush, shampoo, hygienic, safe, medicines, trust, safety, green cross code, eyes, ears, look, listen, wait, keeping clean, | Family, belong, different, same, friends, friendship, qualities, caring, sharing, kind, greeting, touch, feel, texture, like, dislike, help, helpful, community, feelings, confidence, praise, qualities, skills, self-belief, incredible, proud, celebrate, relationships, special, appreciate | Changes, life cycle, baby adulthood, grown up, growing up, mature, male, female, vagina, penis, testicles, vulva, anus, learn, new, grow, feelings, anxious, worried, excited, coping |
Year 2 | Worries, hopes, fears, belonging, rights, responsibilities, responsible, actions, praise, reward, consequence, positive, negative, choices, cooperate, learning charter, problem-solving, | Boys, girls, similarities, assumptions, shield, stereotypes, differences, special, bully, purpose, kind, unkind, feelings, sad, lonely, help, on purpose, stand up for, male, female, diversity, fairness, kindness, friends, unique, value | Realistic, proud, success, celebrate, achievement, goal, strengths, persevere, challenge, difficult, easy, learning together, partner, teamwork, product, dream bird, group, problem-solve, dream, garden, proud | Healthy choices, lifestyle, motivation, relax, relaxation, tense, calm, healthy, unhealthy, dangerous, medicines, safe, body, balanced diet, portion, proportion, energy, fuel, nutritious, | Family, different, similarities, special, relationship, important, cooperate, touch, physical contact, communication, hugs, like, dislike, acceptable, not acceptable, friends, likes/dislikes, conflict, point of view, positive problem solving, secret, surprise, good secret, worry secret, telling, adult, trust, surprised, happy, sad, frightened, trust, trustworthy, honesty, reliability, compliments, celebrate, positive, negative, appreciate | Change, grow, life cycle, control, baby, adult, fully grown, growing up, old, young, change, respect, appearance, physical, baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, independent, timeline, freedom, responsibilities, male, female, vagina, penis, testicles, vulva, anus, public, private, touch, texture, cuddle, hug, squeeze, like, dislike, acceptable, unacceptable, comfortable, uncomfortable, change, looking forward, excited, nervous, anxious, happy |
Year 3 | Welcome, valued, achievements, proud, pleased, personal goal, praise, acknowledge, affirm, emotions, feelings, nightmare, fears, worries, solutions, support, rights, responsibilities, learning charter, nightmare, dream, behaviour, rewards, consequences, actions, feelings, fairness, choice, cooperate, group dynamics, teamwork, view point, ideal school, belong | Family, loving, caring, safe, connected, difference, special, conflict, solve it together, solutions, resolve, witness, bystander, bullying, gay, unkind, feelings, tell, consequences, hurtful, compliment, special, unique, difference, similarity | Perseverance, challenges, success, obstacles, dreams, goals, ambitions, future, aspirations, garden, decoration, teamwork, enterprise, design, cooperation, product, strengths, motivated, enthusiastic, excited, efficient, responsible, obstacles, frustration, ‘solve it together’ technique, solution, teamwork, review, learning, success, celebrate, evaluate | Oxygen, energy, calories/kilojoules, heartbeat, lungs, heart, fitness, labels, sugar, fa, saturated fat, healthy, drugs, attitude, safe, anxious, scared, strategy, advice, harmful, risk, feelings, complex, appreciate, body, choice | Men, women, male, female, unisex, role, job, responsibilities, differences, similarities, respect, stereotype, conflict, solution, problem solving, friendship, win-win, safe, unsafe, risky, internet, social media, private messaging (PM), gaming, global, communications, transport, interconnected, food journeys, climate, trade, inequality, needs, wants, rights, deprivation, united nations, equality, justice, happiness, celebrating, relationships, friendship, family, thank you, appreciation | Changes, birth, animals, babies, mother, growing up, uterus, womb/uterus, nutrients, survive, love, affection, care, change, puberty, control, puberty, male, female, testicles, sperm, penis, ovaries, egg, ovum/ova, vagina, stereotypes, tasks, roles, challenge, looking forward, excited, nervous, anxious, happy |
Year 4 | Included, excluded, welcome, valued, team, charter, role, job description, school community, responsibility, rights, democracy, reward, consequence, democratic, decisions, voting, authority, learning charter, contribution, observer, choices, UN convention on Rights of Child | Character, assumption, judgement, surprised, different, appearance, accept, assumption, influence, appearance, opinion, attitude, bullying, friend, secret, deliberate, on purpose, bystander, witness, problem solve, cyber-bullying, text message, website, troll, special, unique, different, characteristics, physical features, impression, changed, | Dream, hope, goal, determination, perseverance, resilience, positive experiences, cope, plans, help, positive attitude, disappointment, fears, hurt, self-belief, motivation, commitment, teamwork, enterprise, design, cooperation, review, learning, strengths, success, celebrate, evaluate | Friendships, emotions, healthy, relationships, friendship groups, value, roles, leader, follower, assertive, agree/disagree, smoking, pressure, peers, guilt, advice, alcohol, liver, disease, anxiety, fear, believe, opinion, right, wrong | Relationship, close, jealousy, problem-solve, emotions, positive, negative, loss, strategy, shock, disbelief, numb, denial, anger, guilt, sadness, pain, despair, hopelessness, relief, acceptance, depression, souvenir, memento, memorial, special, remember, friendships, negotiate, compromise, trust, loyalty, anger, betrayal, empathy, boyfriend, girlfriend, attraction, pressure, personal, comfortable, love, appreciation, symbol, care | Personal, unique, characteristics, parents, sperm, egg/ovum, penis, testicles, vagina/vulva, womb/uterus, ovaries, making love, sex, sexual intercourse, having sex, fertilise, conception, puberty, menstruation, periods, circle, seasons, change, control, acceptance, scared, empty, peaceful, happy, sad, nervous, proud, excited, anxious, shy, grumpy, apprehensive, accepting, worried, frustrated, angry, disappointed, hurt, jealous, frightened, unsure, uncertain, confused, miserable, looking forward |
Year 5 | Education, appreciation, opportunities, goals, motivation, vision, hopes, challenges, rights, responsibilities, citizen. Denied, empathise, refugee, persecution, conflict, asylum, migrant, wealth, poverty, prejudice, privilege, deprive, rewards, consequences, learning charter, cooperation, collaboration | Culture, conflict, difference, similarity, belong, culture wheel, racism, colour, race, discrimination, culture, ribbon, bullying, rumour, name-calling, racist, homophobic, cyber-bullying, texting, problem-solving, bullying, direct, indirect, happiness, continuum, developing world, celebration, artefacts, display, presentation | Dream, hope, goal, feeling, achievement, money, grown up, adult, lifestyle, job, career, profession, money, salary, contribution, society, determination, perseverance, motivation, aspiration, country, culture, sponsorship, communication, support, rallying, teamwork, cooperation, difference | Choices, healthy behaviour, unhealthy behaviour, informed decision, pressure, media, influence, emergency, procedure, recovery position, calm, level-headed, body image, media, social media, celebrity, altered, self-respect, comparison, body image, eating problem, eating disorder, respect, pressure, debate, opinion, fact, choices, healthy lifestyle, motivation | Characteristics, personal qualities, attributes, self-esteem, responsibility/being responsible, age-limit, social network, community, online, offline, responsibility, rights, risky, violence, appropriate, grooming, trolled, gambling, betting, trustworthy, devices, screen time, mental health, physical health, personal information, safe, choices, vulnerable, | Self, self-image, body image, self-esteem, perception, characteristics, aspects, affirmation, puberty, menstruation, periods, sanitary towels, sanitary pads, tampons, ovary/ovaries, vagina, oestrogen, vulva, womb/uterus, sperm, semen, testicles/testes, erection, ejaculation, wet dream, larynx, facial hair, growth spurt, hormones, relationships, conception, making love, sexual intercourse, fallopian tube, fertilisation, pregnancy, embryo, umbilical cord, contraception, fertility treatment (IVF), teenager, milestone, perceptions, responsibilities, change, hope, manage, cope, opportunities, emotions, fear, excitement, anxious |
Year 6 | Goals, worries, fears, values, welcome, choice, Ghana, West Africa, cocoa plantation, cocoa pods, machete, rights, community, education, wants, needs, Maslow, empathy, comparison, opportunities, choices, rights, responsibilities, behaviour, rewards, consequences, learning charter, obstacles, cooperation, collaboration, legal, illegal, lawful, participation, motivation, democracy, decision, proud | Normal, ability, disability, visual impairment, empathy, perception, medication, vision, blind, male, female, diversity, transgender, gender diversity, courage, fairness, rights, responsibility, power, struggle, imbalance, control, harassment, bullying, direct, indirect, argument, recipient, para Olympian, achievement, accolade, disability, sport, perseverance, admiration, stamina, celebration, difference, conflict | Dream, hope, goal, learning, strengths, stretch, achievement, personal, realistic, unrealistic, feeling, success, criteria, learning steps, money, global, issue, suffering, concern, hardship, sponsorship, empathy, motivation, admire, respect, achievement, praise, compliment, contribution, recognition | Responsibility, choice, immunisation, prevention, drugs, effects, motivation, prescribed, unrestricted, over-the-counter, restricted, illegal, volatile substances, legal highs, exploited, vulnerable, criminal, gangs, pressure, strategies, reputation, anti-social behaviour, crime, mental health, emotional health, mental illness, symptoms, stress, triggers, managing stress | Mental health, ashamed, stigma, stress, anxiety, support, worried, signs, warning, self-harm, emotions, feelings, sadness, loss, grief, denial, despair, guilt, shock, hopelessness, anger, acceptance, bereavement, coping strategies, power, control, authority, bullying, script, assertive, risks, pressure, influences, self-control, real/fake, true/untrue, judgement, communication, technology, power, control, cyberbullying, abuse, safety | Self-image, self-esteem, real self, celebrity, opportunities, freedoms, responsibilities, pubic hair, voice breaks, menstruation, semen, growing taller, hips widen, facial hair, erection, tampon, breasts, hormones, wet dream, ovulation, masturbation, sanitary towel, clitoris, testicles, sperm, underarm hair, penis, feeling moody, vagina, womb, fallopian tube, vulva, pregnancy, embryo, foetus, placenta, umbilical cord, labour, contractions, cervix, midwife, attraction, love, relationship, pressure, sexting, negative body-talk, choice, feelings/emotions, challenge, mental health, transition, secondary, looking forward, journey, worries, anxiety, hopes, excitement |