Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

Reception Useful Information

Welcome to Reception

Things you need to know:  (We will update this information regularly to keep you up to date)

Mondays –

Tuesday – Forest day (Wellies and a change of clothes in case we get muddy!)

Wednesday – Homework and reading book  to be returned

Thursday – PE in the afternoon (Wear PE kit to school)

Friday – PE in the morning (Wear PE kit to school)

– New homework and reading/writing books sent home.

Assessment Information

The following link will show you the relevant assessment information the children are working toward by the  end of EYFS (reception). This information follows the ‘Early Education-Development Matters’ statements.

Assessment information for parents

This link will take you directly to the ‘Development Matters’ statements.

Letter formation.

These are the letter rhymes we use with the children to help them remember how to form letters correctly. 


Useful Websites

Below are links to useful website which we use in class and the children  are familiar with.

Phonics Play – Good for supporting sound recognition, building and blending words in reading.

Mini Mash – This site if full of games for the children to explore and develop skills across the curriculum. Just click on a picture to enter a game. You can go out the door into the garden too. Watch out for the tabs changing as we change topics. All children have their own login.

All children require their own PE kits – Shorts, jogging bottoms (navy/black) white t-shirt and plimsolls.

We try to visit the forest once a week. It would be helpful if children had their own wellies that they could keep in school. Please write names on.

Please write children’s names on all items of clothing, shoes and coats.

Wellies and outdoor clothing

We use the woodland and outdoor area regularly and we need all children to have appropriate clothing for this. All children need a pair of named wellies to be left at school and outer wear appropriate for the weather.

Spare Clothes

It is essential to leave a bag with spare clothes in on your child’s peg in case of accidents/water or mud from explorations. We do not have spare clothing for more than one or two changes as we find our spare clothing does not get returned to reception. Please ensure that bags and spare clothes are named.

Reception Fund

We ask for a contribution of £1 per week. This is used to buy ingredients for cooking and making play dough and other necessities for reception following the interest of the children. Without this contribution we are not able to carry out cooking and other activities that involve buying extra resources. Thank you.

How you can help your child

    Encourage them:

  • To be independent i.e. dressing, washing hands, changing shoes, putting own coat on
  • To say ‘please and thank you’
  • To tidy up after themselves
  • To sit and listen to a short story
  • To sing nursery rhymes
  • To take turns playing games
  • To write their own name correctly