Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School


Welcome to Reception.

Mrs Robertson

Hello my name is Mrs Robertson, I am your new class teacher. I have three children of my own, a boy called James, and two girls called Jessica and Rose. At the weekend I like to spend time with my family. I also have a pet cat called Peanut. I love working in Reception and am looking forward to working with you.

Miss Burlison

Hello, my name is Miss Burlison. I have worked at Hylton Castle now for 20 years and it only seems like yesterday when I joined initially for work experience. I am very much looking forward to getting to know you and I know we will have lots of fun along the way. I love spending time with my little girl and making lots of fun memories.

My name is Mr Wilcox, I’m your Sports Coach who will be teaching you PE. I also help when your class goes into the woods. You’ll see me at dinner times and outside, I’ll be playing games with you as well! On a weekend I like to spend time with my family, my little girl Phoebe, my little boy Archie and our dog Reggie. We go on lots of adventures and love to go to the park to play.