Year 5 P.E. Lessons are on Wednesdays and Mondays.
During the Autumn term Year 5 will also have swimming lessons on a Friday.
We would like children to practise their maths targets and times tables for 10 minutes everyday. Targets and tables are tested every week and a new target / table issued if they have passed.
Please listen to your child read, even if it is only a few pages, every night. Please record in their home reading record. Reading books must be brought into school everyday. Children can also login to their Reading Plus account at home to complete a reading session.
We understand that some of the older children will be reading their own books and not their school home reader. This is okay but please record this in their home reading record. We would ask that they read their school home reader at least three times a week, as this is how the earn points for Renaissance Reading.
Project homework will be sent out at the beginning of the half term and must be handed in by the last Wednesday of the half term.