For more detailed information please see below.
Year 4
Reading is an essential life skill; it also opens up a world of possibilities to your child. Year 4 children are expected to read for up to 15 minutes per night. Please fill in their reading journal daily. Children must bring their books everyday.
Spellings are given out on a Monday and spelling tests take place on the following Monday. Please encourage your child to take this learning seriously and help them to learn their spellings daily.
Times Tables Rock Star is a huge focucs for Year 4 . We practise everyday to get amazing at our times table facts. Encourage your child to practise at home too as this really helps.
Please click the link below to log on to TTRS.
PE lessons are on a Tuesday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their P.E Kit – house coloured t-shirt, plain black or navy shorts / plain black or navy jogging bottoms, plain black or navy hoodie.
In Autumn 1 children in Year 4 will be attending Castleview for swimming. Swimming kit – plain black or navy costume (girls) / swimming shorts (boys).
Indoor footwear
Just a quick reminder that your child is to wear plimsolls inside of school. Please can you make sure that your child has a pair that are clearly labelled with their name.