Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to year 3!

Year 3 is the start to your child’s Key Stage 2 learning journey.  Throughout this year, we promote and actively encourage your children to build upon the skills they learnt in Key Stage 1 and develop their independence.

Hello. My name is Mrs. Masters and I am the class teacher in Year 3.  I have been working at Hylton Castle Primary school since 1996 and I just love working with all of our children and parents.  I am now teaching the children of pupils that I once taught, which makes me feel very old!

I love to spend my time travelling with my family and visiting different cities and countries.  I also love to eat out, visit the cinema and always enjoy a delicious piece of cake on my regular shopping trips!  More recently I have developed a love of gardening and I love nothing more than sitting in my garden on a sunny day enjoying all of my hard work.

 Year 3 Notices

Teacher – Mrs. Masters

Topic – Stone Age


  • Taught every Monday (a.m.) and Friday (p.m.)
  • Please come to school in your PE kit
  • Year 3/4 Sports Club every Friday (3.15 -4.15p.m) Allocated places only.


  • Year group expected spellings will be issued every Monday and tested the following Monday. Reminder practice sheet sent home every Friday. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR CHILD IN LEARNING THESE SPELLINGS.
  • Pupils who receive 9 or 10/10 will be celebrated on our ‘Spelling Superstars’ display.
  • Pupils scoring 9 or 10/10 will receive a spelling certificate each week.
  • Times table practice sheet issued every Monday and tested the following Monday (to begin after half term)


  • Daily reading at home (10 mins please).
  • Pupils to return their book every day – 5 house points will be awarded.
  • Pupils to record finished book on individual bookmark. This will be signed by teacher once they have discussed the book together.
  • We use an online reading programme called ‘Reading Plus’ that your child can access from home using their log in details found on the back of their bookmark. Pupils will receive certificates for the number of words/books read so please try to encourage their regular use of this in addition to their daily reading book.
  • Reading should be fun, so please encourage your child to read any other materials that they enjoy. The more reading the better!