Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School



Home learning will be provided as a weekly home learning timetable (which will be uploaded to this page and EyLog each week) which sets out specific lessons for each day. Evidence of home learning is to be uploaded onto your childs EyLog learning Journal daily. This can be done by adding photos or videos to your child’s learning journal on the EyLog ap. Simply click the ‘+’ button at the top right of your screen, add/type a description of what your child has been doing (how well they did) and you can attach photos/videos of work by clicking the relevant menus at the bottom of your screen. Once all files have been selected click ‘done’ at the top and it will be sent to your child’s teacher.
Please add a date and title to any work recorded in your child’s blue book and observations uploaded to EyLog.


Daily Expectations

Childre should carry out the following lessons daily.

  • Phonics – Ruth Muskin videos only available for 24 hours!
  • Maths
  • Reading
  • Writing activity
  • The world activity
  • Physical activity  We think it is really important that children stay active during this time. They can complete any activity of their choosing as long as they are keeping fit. Like last time, Joe Wicks PE lessons are available on Youtube. The children may also enjoy Andys Wild Workouts or Cosmic Kids Yoga.  (Links below)

Uploading Evidence

Please see the following guide on how to add observations onto eylog.

Marking and feedback

Feed back will be given to any work uploaded onto EyLog. When you open a childs observation there is an ‘evaluation’ tab. This is where you will find any feedback from staff. Children will recieve house points/tokens (which we will add into our class tubes) for completing home learning activities.



Mrs Wood will add assemblies to the assembly section of ‘Home Learning’ on a Monday and Friday

Monday – Celebration Assembly

Friday – Hylton Heroes Assembly


Usefull Websites



https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/videos  Pe with Joe Wicks

https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p06tmn51/andys-wild-workouts-series-1-1-under-the-sea Andy’s Wild Work outs

https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga Cosmic Kids Yoga

https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources Phonics Play Explore games using phase 1 and 2          username: jan21       Password: home

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEZhrFZlv6caOgIgflHW-Ug/videos RWI letter formation



Home learning timetables

Spring 2

Week 2 01.03.21

Week 1 22.02.21


Spring 1

Week 6 08.02.21

Week 5 01.02.21

Week 4 25.01.21

Week 3 18.01.21

Week 2 11.01.21

Week 1 06.01.21